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Jerome Le Ny

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering


             Jerome Le Ny                   



  1. J. Le Ny, Differential Privacy for Dynamic Data. SpringerBriefs in Control, Automation and Robotics, Springer, 2020.

Journal Articles


  1. N Toumi, R. Malhamé, J. Le Ny, Optima of a Linear Quadratic Collective Choice Model Under Congestion, Submitted, 2024
  2. M Shalaby, S. Ahmed, N. Dahdah, C. Cossette, J. Le Ny and J. Forbes, MILUV: A Multi-UAV Indoor Localization dataset with UWB and Vision, Submitted, 2024.
  3. Y Mokhtari, P Coirault, E. Moulay, J. Le Ny, D. Larraillet, An ADMM Approach for the Reconfiguration of Radial Electrical Distribution Systems. Submitted, 2024.

Published or In Press

  1. M. Shalaby, C. C. Cossette, J. Le Ny and J. Forbes, Multi-Robot Relative Pose Estimation and IMU Preintegration Using Passive UWB Transceivers, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 40, 2024.
  2. M. Shalaby, C. C. Cossette, J. Forbes and J. Le Ny, Reducing Two-Way Ranging Variance by Signal-Timing Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 60 (3), June 2024.
  3. N. Toumi, R. Malhamé and J. Le Ny, A Mean Field Game Approach for a Class of Linear Quadratic Discrete Choice Problems with Congestion Avoidance, Automatica, Vol. 160, February 2024.
  4. J. Cano and J. Le Ny, Ranging-Based Localizability Optimization for Mobile Robotic Networks, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 39 (4), August 2023.
  5. T.-Y. Chiu, J. Le Ny and J.-P. David, Temporal logic explanations for dynamic decision systems using anchors and Monte Carlo Tree Search, Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 318, May 2023.
  6. K. H. Degue and J. Le Ny, Cooperative Differentially Private LQG Control With Measurement Aggregation. IEEE Control Systems Letters, Vol. 7, pp. 1093-1098, December 2022.
  7. K. H. Degue and J. Le Ny, Differentially Private Kalman Filtering with Signal Aggregation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 68 (10), October 2023.
  8. K. H. Degue, J. Le Ny and D. Efimov, Stealthy Attacks and Attack-Resilient Interval Observers. Automatica, Vol. 146, December 2022.
  9. J. Cano, G. Pagès, E. Chaumette and J. Le Ny, Clock and Power-Induced Bias Correction for UWB Time-of-Flight Measurements. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022.
  10. R. Salhab, J. Le Ny, R. P. Malhamé and G. Zaccour, Dynamic Marketing Policies with Online-Review-Sensitive Consumers: A Mean-Field Games Approach. European Journal of Operational Research, August 2021.
  11. A. Comellini, J. Le Ny, E. Zenou, C. Espinosa and V. Dubanchet, Global Descriptors for Visual Pose Estimation of a Non-Cooperative Target in Space Rendezvous. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 57 (6), December 2021.
  12. M. Shalaby, C. C. Cossette, J. Le Ny, J. R. Forbes, Cascaded Filtering Using the Sigma Point Transformation, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 6 (3), July 2021.
  13. M. Shalaby, C. C. Cossette, J. R. Forbes and J. Le Ny, Relative Position Estimation in Multi-Agent Systems Using Attitude-Coupled Range Measurements. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 6 (3), July 2021.
  14. C. C. Cossette, M. Shalaby, D. Saussié, J. R. Forbes and J. Le Ny, Relative Position Estimation Between Two UWB Devices with IMUs, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 6 (3), July 2021.
  15. R. Salhab, R. P. Malhamé and J. Le Ny, Collective Stochastic Discrete Choice Problems: A Min-LQG Game Formulation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 65 (8), August 2020.
  16. B. Delcroix, J. Le Ny, M. Bernier, M. Azam, P. Qu and J.-S. Venne, Autoregressive Neural Networks with Exogenous Variables for Indoor Temperature Prediction in Buildings. Building Simulation, Vol. 14, pp. 165-178, February 2020.
  17. K. H. Degue and J. Le Ny, Estimation and Outbreak Detection with Interval Observers for Uncertain Discrete-Time SEIR Epidemic Models. International Journal of Control, Vol. 93 (11), October 2020. Special issue on Interval estimation applied to diagnosis and control.
  18. J. Le Ny, Differentially Private Nonlinear Observer Design using Contraction Analysis. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 30 (11), July 2020. Special Issue on Privacy and Security of Cyber-Physical Systems.
  19. R. Salhab, R. P. Malhamé and J. Le Ny, A Dynamic Collective Choice Model With An Advertiser. Dynamic Games and Applications, Vol. 8, pp. 490-510, March 2018.
  20. R. Salhab, J. Le Ny and R. P. Malhamé, Dynamic Collective Choice: Social Optima. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 63 (10), October 2018.
  21. R. Salhab, R. P. Malhamé and J. Le Ny, A Dynamic Game Model of Collective Choice in Multi-Agent Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 63 (3), March 2018.
  22. S. R. Manikandasriram, A. P.-V. Nguyen and J. Le Ny, A Motion Planning Strategy for the Active Vision-Based Mapping of Ground-Level Structures. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 15 (1), January 2018.
  23. J. Le Ny and M. Mohammady, Differentially Private MIMO Filtering for Event Streams. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 63 (1), January 2018.
  24. A. Borowczyk, D.-T. Nguyen, A. P.-V. Nguyen, D. Q. Nguyen, D. Saussié and J. Le Ny, Autonomous Landing of a Quadcopter on a High-Speed Ground Vehicle. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics (Special Issue on The Kalman Filter and Its Aerospace Applications), Vol. 40 (9), pp. 2378-2385, September 2017.
  25. N. Atanasov, J. Le Ny and G. J. Pappas, Distributed Algorithms for Stochastic Source Seeking with Mobile Robot Networks. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control (Special Issue on Stochastic Models, Control and Algorithms in Robotics), Vol. 137 (3), March 2015.
  26. N. Atanasov, B. Sankaran, J. Le Ny, G. J. Pappas, and K. Daniilidis, Nonmyopic View Planning for Active Object Classification and Pose Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 30 (5), pp. 1078-1090, October 2014.
  27. J. Le Ny and G. J. Pappas, Differentially Private Filtering. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 59 (2), pp. 341-354, February 2014.
  28. J. Le Ny and G. J. Pappas, Adaptive Deployment of Mobile Robotic Networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 58 (3), pp. 654-666, March 2013. Long version: Adaptive Algorithms for Coverage Control and Space Partitioning in Mobile Robotic Networks, UPenn ESE Technical Report, October 2010.
  29. J. Le Ny, A. Ribeiro and G. J. Pappas, Adaptive Communication-Constrained Deployment of Unmanned Vehicle Systems. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 30 (5), June 2012.
  30. J. Le Ny, E. Frazzoli, E. Feron, On the Dubins Traveling Salesman Problem. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 57 (1), pp. 265-270, January 2012.
  31. J. Le Ny and G. J. Pappas, Joint Metering and Conflict Resolution in Air Traffic Control. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 34 (5), pp. 1507-1518, September/October 2011.
  32. J. Le Ny and H. Balakrishnan, Feedback Control of the National Airspace System. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 34 (3), pp. 832-846, May/June 2011.
  33. J. Le Ny, E. Feron, M. A. Dahleh, Scheduling Continuous-Time Kalman Filters. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 56 (6), pp. 1381-1394, June 2011.

Book Chapters

  1. R.M.G. Ferrari, K. H. Degue and J. Le Ny, Differentially private anomaly detection for interconnected systems. In Safety, security, and privacy for cyber-physical systems, R.M.G. Ferrari and A.M.H. Teixeira, Editos, Springer, 2021.
  2. J. Le Ny, Privacy in Network Systems. In Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, J. Baillieul, T. Samad, Editors, Springer, 2021.
  3. M. Pelletier, N. Saunier and J. Le Ny, Differentially Private Analysis of Transportation Data. In Privacy in Dynamical Systems, F. Farokhi, Editor, pp. 131-155, Springer, 2020.

Conference Proceedings

  1. N. Toumi, R. P. Malhamé and J. Le Ny, A Class of Linear Quadratic Collective Discrete Choice Models with Congestion Effects. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Milan, Italy, December 2024.
  2. J. Le Ny, Coverage Control with Heterogeneous Robotic Teams via Multi-Marginal Optimal Transport, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Milan, Italy, December 2024.
  3. S Ahmed, M. Shalaby, J. Le Ny and J. Forbes, Optimal Robot Formations: Balancing Range-Based Observability and User-Defined Configurations, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 2024.
  4. S Ahmed, M. Shalaby M, C. Cossette, J. Le Ny and J. Forbes, Gaussian-Sum Filter for Range-based 3D Relative Pose Estimation in the Presence of Ambiguities, IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, August 2024.
  5. J. Cano, Y. Ding, G. Pagès, E. Chaumette and J. Le Ny, A Robust Kalman Filter Based Approach for Indoor Robot Positionning with Multi-Path Contaminated UWB Data. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, June 2023.
  6. K. H. Degue and J. Le Ny, Cooperative Differentially Private LQG Control with Measurement Aggregation. Proceedings of the American Control Conference, San Diego, CA, June 2023.
  7. M. Shalaby, C. C. Cossette, J. R. Forbes and J. Le Ny, Calibration and Uncertainty Characterization for Ultra-Wideband Two-Way-Ranging Measurements. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), London, UK, June 2023, to appear.
  8. J. Cano, G. Pagès, E. Chaumette and J. Le Ny, Maintaining Robot Localizability with Bayesian CRLBs. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Kyoto, Japan, October 2022.
  9. J. Cano, G. Pagès, E. Chaumette and J. Le Ny, Robot Placement for Optimal Localizability with Distance-Deteriorated Relative Measurements. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Kyoto, Japan, October 2022.
  10. C. C. Cossette, M. Shalaby, D. Saussié, J. Le Ny and J. R. Forbes, Optimal Multi-robot Formations for Relative Pose Estimation Using Range Measurements. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Kyoto, Japan, October 2022.
  11. J. Cano, G. Pagès, E. Chaumette and J. Le Ny, Clock and Power-Induced Bias Correction for UWB Time-of-Flight Measurements. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Philadelphia, USA, May 2022.
  12. K. H. Degue, D. Efimov, J. Le Ny and S. Hirche, Design of Interval Observers for Uncertain Linear Impulsive Systems. Proceedings of the Conference on Decision and Control, Austin, TX, December 2021.
  13. N. Toumi, R. P. Malhamé and J. Le Ny, A Spatial Partitioning Based Crowd Evacuation Model. Proceedings of the Conference on Decision and Control, Austin, TX, December 2021.
  14. K. Kaza, J. Le Ny and A. Mahajan, Decision Referrals in Human-Automation Teams. Proceedings of the Conference on Decision and Control, Austin, TX, December 2021.
  15. R. Seraj, J. Le Ny and A. Mahajan, Mean-field approximation for large-population beauty-contest games. Proceedings of the Conference on Decision and Control, Austin, TX, December 2021.
  16. J. Cano and J. Le Ny, Ranging-Based Location Estimation with Rigidity-Constrained CRLB-Based Motion Planning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Xi'an, China, June 2021.
  17. M. Shalaby, C. C. Cossette, J. R. Forbes, J. Le Ny, Position Estimation in Multi-Agent Systems Using Attitude-Coupled Range Measurements. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Xi'an, China, June 2021.
  18. C. C. Cossette, M. Shalaby, D. Saussié, J. R. Forbes, J. Le Ny, Position Estimation Between Two UWB Devices with IMUs. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Xi'an, China, June 2021.
  19. M. Shalaby, C. C. Cossette, J. Le Ny, J. R. Forbes, Cascaded Filtering Using the Sigma Point Transformation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Xi'an, China, June 2021.
  20. K. H. Degue, K. Gopalakrishnan, M. Li, H. Balakrishnan and J. Le Ny, Differentially Private Outlier Detection in Multivariate Gaussian Signals. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2021.
  21. N. Toumi, R. Malhamé and J. Le Ny, A Tractable Mean Field Game Model for the Analysis of Crowd Evacuation Dynamics. Proceedings of the Conference on Decision and Control, Jeju Island, Korea, December 2020.
  22. C. Dubois and J. Le Ny, Adaptive Task Allocation in Human-Machine Teams with Trust and Workload Cognitive Models. Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Toronto, Canada, October 2020.
  23. K. H. Degue and J. Le Ny, Differentially Private Interval Observer Design with Input Perturbation. Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Denver, CO, July 2020.
  24. K. H. Degue, D. Efimov and J. Le Ny, Interval Observer-based Feedback Control for Rehabilitation in Tremor. Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 2020.
  25. J. Le Ny and S. Hirche, Differentially Private Event-Triggered Sampling. Proceedings of the 8th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NecSys), Chicago, IL, September 2019.
  26. J. Cano, S. Chidami and J. Le Ny, A Kalman Filter-Based Algorithm for Simultaneous Time Synchronization and Localization in UWB Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montreal, QC, May 2019.
  27. K. H. Degue, D. Efimov, J. Le Ny and E. Feron, Interval Observers for Secure Estimation in Cyber-Physical Systems. Proceedings of the 57th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, FL, December 2018.
  28. R. Salhab, J. Le Ny and R. P. Malhamé, A Mean Field Route Choice Game Model. Proceedings of the 57th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, FL, December 2018.
  29. K. H. Degue, J. Le Ny, On Differentially Private Gaussian Hypothesis Testing. Proceedings of the 55th Annual Allerton Conference on Communications, Control and Computing, October 2018.
  30. K. H. Degue and J. Le Ny, SEIR Discrete-Time Models For Epidemic Outbreak Detection: Interval Observer-Based Framework. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), Milwaukee, WI, June 2018.
  31. J. Le Ny and S. Chauvière, Localizability-Constrained Deployment of Mobile Robotic Networks with Noisy Range Measurements. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), Milwaukee, WI, June 2018.
  32. R. Salhab, J. Le Ny and R. P. Malhamé, A Dynamic Ride-Sourcing Game with Many Drivers. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communications, Control and Computing, October 2017.
  33. K. H. Degue and J. Le Ny, On Differentially Private Kalman Filtering. Proceedings of the IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Montreal, Canada, November 2017.
  34. A. Borowczyk, D.-T. Nguyen, A. P.-V. Nguyen, D. Q. Nguyen, D. Saussié and J. Le Ny, Autonomous Landing of a Multirotor Micro Air Vehicle on a High Velocity Ground Vehicle. Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 2017.
  35. K. H. Degue, D. Efimov and J. Le Ny, Interval Observer Approaches to Output Stabilization of Linear Impulsive Systems. Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 2017.
  36. H. André and J. Le Ny, A Differentially Private Ensemble Kalman Filter for Road Traffic Estimation. Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, LA, March 2017.
  37. J. Cortes, G. E. Dullerud, S. Han, J. Le Ny, S. Mitra and G. J. Pappas, Differential Privacy in Control and Network Systems. Proceedings of the 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Las Vegas, NV, December 2016. (Tutorial Paper)
  38. F. Li, R. P. Malhamé and J. Le Ny, Mean Field Game Based Control of Dispersed Energy Storage Devices with Constrained Inputs. Proceedings of the 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Las Vegas, NV, December 2016.
  39. R. Salhab, R. P. Malhamé and J. Le Ny, A Dynamic Collective Choice Model with an Advertiser. Proceedings of the 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Las Vegas, NV, December 2016. (Best Student Paper Award)
  40. J. Le Ny, Privacy-Preserving Nonlinear Observer Design Using Contraction Analysis. Proceedings of the 54th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Osaka, Japan, December 2015.
  41. R. Salhab, R. P. Malhamé and J. Le Ny, A Dynamic Game Model of Collective Choice in Multi-Agent Systems. Proceedings of the 54th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Osaka, Japan, December 2015.
  42. G. Chevalier, J. Le Ny and R. P. Malhamé, A Micro-Macro Traffic Model based on Mean-Field Games. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), Chicago, IL, July 2015.
  43. N. Atanasov, J. Le Ny, K. Daniilidis and G. J. Pappas, Decentralized Active Information Acquisition: Theory and Application to Multi-Robot SLAM. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Seattle, WA, May 2015.
  44. R. Salhab, R. P. Malhamé and J. Le Ny, Consensus and Disagreement in Collective Homing Problems: A Mean Field Game Formulation. Proceedings of the 53rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Los Angeles, CA, December 2014.
  45. J. Le Ny and M. Mohammady, Differentially Private MIMO Filtering for Event Streams and Spatio-Temporal Monitoring. Proceedings of the 53rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Los Angeles, CA, December 2014.
  46. J. Le Ny, A. Touati and G. J. Pappas, Real-Time Privacy-Preserving Model-Based Estimation of Traffic Flows. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), Berlin, Germany, April 2014.
  47. N. Atanasov, J. Le Ny, K. Daniilidis and G. J. Pappas, Information Acquisition with Sensing Robots: Algorithms and Error Bounds. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Hong-Kong, China, June 2014.
  48. J. Le Ny, On Differentially Private Filtering for Event Streams. Proceedings of the 52nd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Florence, Italy, December 2013.
  49. J. Le Ny and G. J. Pappas, Privacy-Preserving Release of Aggregate Dynamic Models. Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Conference on High Confidence Networked Systems (HiCoNS), CPSWeek, Philadelphia, PA, April 2013.
  50. N. Atanasov, B. Sankaran, J. Le Ny, T. Koletschka, G. J. Pappas, K. Daniilidis, Hypothesis Testing Framework for Active Object Detection. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 2013.
  51. J. Le Ny, G. J. Pappas, Differentially Private Filtering. Proceedings of the 51st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Maui, HI, December 2012.
  52. J. Le Ny, G. J. Pappas, Differentially Private Kalman Filtering. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communications, Control and Computing, October 2012.
  53. J. Le Ny, A. Ribeiro, G. J. Pappas, Adaptive Communication-Constrained Deployment of Unmanned Vehicle Systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), Montreal, Canada, June 2012. (Best Presentation in Session Award)
  54. J. Le Ny, G. J. Pappas, Sequential Composition of Robust Controller Specifications. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), St. Paul, MN, May 2012. Extended version: .
  55. N. Atanasov, J. Le Ny, N. Michael, G. J. Pappas, Stochastic Source Seeking in Complex Environments. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), St. Paul, MN, May 2012.
  56. M. Pajic, S. Sundaram, J. Le Ny, G. J. Pappas, R. Mangharam, Closing the Loop: A Simple Distributed Method for Control over Wireless Networks. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), Beijing, China, April 2012. (Best Presentation Award)
  57. J. Le Ny, A. Ribeiro, G. J. Pappas, Robot Deployment with End-to-End Communication Constraints. Proceedings of the 50th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Orlando, FL, December 2011.
  58. J. Le Ny, E. Feron, G. J. Pappas, Resource-constrained LQR control under Fast Sampling. Proceedings of the 14th conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), Chicago, IL, April 2011.
  59. J. Le Ny, G. J. Pappas, Sensor-Based Robot Deployment Algorithms. Proceedings of the 49th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Atlanta, GA, December 2010.
  60. J. Le Ny, H. Balakrishnan, Feedback Control of the National Airspace System to Mitigate Weather Disruptions. Proceedings of the 49th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Atlanta, GA, December 2010.
  61. M. Pajic, S. Sundaram, J. Le Ny, G. J.Pappas, R. Mangharam, The Wireless Controller Network: Synthesis and Robustness. Proceedings of the 49th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Atlanta, GA, December 2010.
  62. J. Le Ny, G. J. Pappas, Robustness Analysis for the Certification of Digital Controller Implementations. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), Stockholm, Sweden, April 2010.
  63. J. Le Ny, G. J. Pappas, Geometric Programming and Mechanism Design for Air Traffic Conflict Resolution. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), Baltimore, MD, June-July 2010.
  64. J. Le Ny, M. M. Zavlanos, G. J. Pappas, Resource Allocation for Signal Detection with Active Sensors. Proceedings of the 48th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Shangai, China, December 2009.
  65. J. Le Ny, G. J. Pappas, On Trajectory Optimization for Active Sensing in Gaussian Process Models. Proceedings of the 48th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Shangai, China, December 2009.
  66. J. Le Ny, H. Balakrishnan, Distributed Feedback Control for an Eulerian Model of the National Airspace System. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), Saint-Louis, Missouri, June 2009.
  67. J. Le Ny, E. Feron, M. A. Dahleh, Scheduling Kalman Filters in Continuous Time. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), Saint-Louis, Missouri, June 2009.
  68. J. Le Ny, M. A. Dahleh, E. Feron, E. Frazzoli, Continuous Path Planning for a Data Harvesting Mobile Server. Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Cancun, Mexico, December 2008.
  69. J. Le Ny, M. A. Dahleh, E. Feron, Multi-UAV Dynamic Routing with Partial Observations using Restless Bandit Allocation Indices. Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference (ACC), Seattle, WA, June 2008. Extended version (LIDS Technical Report 2776, October 2007):
  70. J. Le Ny, E. Frazzoli, E. Feron, The Curvature-Constrained Traveling Salesman Problem For High Point Densities. Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), New Orleans, LA, December 2007.
  71. J. Le Ny, E. Feron, Performance Evaluation of a Multi-Agent Risk-Sensitive Tracking System. Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), New Orleans, LA, December 2007.
  72. J. Le Ny, M. A. Dahleh, E. Feron, Multi-agent Task Assignment in the Bandit Framework. Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego, CA, December 2006. Invited Session on Path Planning and Task Allocation Algorithms for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
  73. J. Le Ny, E. Feron, Restless Bandits with Switching Costs: Linear Programming Relaxations, Performance Bounds and Limited Lookahead Policies. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), Minneapolis, MN, June 2006.
  74. J. Le Ny, E. Feron, An Approximation Algorithm for the Curvature-Constrained Traveling Salesman Problem. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communications, Control and Computing, September 2005.

Invited Talks

  1. Paderborn University, Chair for Automatic Control, May 2019: Differential Privacy for Dynamic Data.
  2. Technical University of Munich, Chair for Information-Oriented Control Seminar, September 2018: Differential Privacy for Dynamic Data.
  3. Colloquium on Smart Cities 2017: Quebec and Chinese Innovations, Montreal, November 2nd 2017: Controlling Smart Cities with Private and Self-Interested Citizens.
  4. Dutch Institute of Systems and Control (DISC), The Hague, Netherlands, July 3 2017: Differential Privacy in Systems and Control (full day course). Summer School on “A Systems and Control Perspective on Privacy, Safety, and Security in Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems”.
  5. Aerial Robotics International Research Symposium, University of Toronto, June 22 2017: Active Information Acquisition for Autonomous Mobile Robots.
  6. University of Michigan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar, March 29 2017: Differential Privacy for Dynamic Data.
  7. University of Michigan, Department of Aerospace Engineering Seminar, January 24 2017: Mobile Robotic Network Deployment for Information Acquisition.
  8. Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Aerospace Engineering Seminar, January 17 2017: Mobile Robotic Network Deployment for Information Acquisition.
  9. AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Orlando, FL, July 2nd 2016: Dynamic Collective Choice: A Mean Field Games Formulation.
  10. Biannual Control Meeting, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, May 11 2016: Differentially Private Filtering.
  11. Georgia Institute of Technology, Decision and Control Laboratory Seminar, April 15 2016: Differentially Private Filtering.
  12. TEDxHECMontreal: Automation in the Era of the Internet of Things (in French).
  13. Workshop on Traffic Estimation, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), October 13 2015: Differentially Private Filtering: Application to Traffic Estimation.
  14. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Decision and Control Laboratory Seminar, April 15 2015: Differentially Private Filtering.
  15. McGill University, Informal Systems Seminar, February 6 2015: Differentially Private Filtering.
  16. GERAD Seminar, April 3 2014: Privacy in Systems and Control.
  17. Information Theory and Applications Workshop, February 14 2014: Differentially Private Filtering.
  18. McGill University, Informal Systems Seminar, June 15 2012: Adaptive Deployment of Mobile Robotic Networks.
  19. Vanderbilt University, Institute for Software Integrated Systems, September 29 2011: Resource Management in Networked Embedded Control Systems.
  20. Polytechnique Montreal, EE Seminar, April 29 2011: Adaptive Deployment of Mobile Robotic Networks.
  21. Purdue University, Aero/Astro Seminar, April 29 2011: Adaptive Deployment of Mobile Robotic Networks.
  22. University of Pittsburgh, ECE Seminar, March 23 2011: Adaptive Deployment of Mobile Robotic Networks.
  23. Carnegie Mellon University, ECE Seminar, March 21 2011: Adaptive Deployment of Mobile Robotic Networks.
  24. Rutgers University, ECE Seminar, March 9 2011: Adaptive Deployment of Mobile Robotic Networks.
  25. Arizona State University, SEMTE Seminar, March 3 2011: Adaptive Deployment of Mobile Robotic Networks.
  26. University of Notre Dame, EE Seminar, February 28 2011: Adaptive Deployment of Mobile Robotic Networks.
  27. MIT, Aero/Astro Seminar, April 1st 2010: Resource Management in Aerospace Systems.
  28. University of Pennsylvania, GRASP Seminar, Feb. 20 2009: Performance Optimization for Unmanned Vehicle Systems.
  29. University of Pennsylvania, GRASP Special Seminar, Oct. 26 2007: Task Allocation and Path-Planning for Groups of Autonomous Vehicles.

Technical Reports

Control and Optimization
Applied Probability, Statistics, Signal Processing