Computational Resources

In addition to the workstations that the lab members use for developing the computational codes/software, our lab host two HPC nodes with total of 72 processing cores, 1TB of RAM, and two GPUs (NvIdia Tesla P40  and Quadro-P6000)which are used towards medium to large-scale computer simulations.
Our lab is also a member of Compute Canada HPC Consortium (and its regional partner Calcul Québec), which host some of the word's largest supercomputers. We use these resources for our large scale simulations.


We are hosted by the Hydraulic Laboratory of Polytechnique Montreal, providing use with the experimental facilities required for validation and parameterization of our  computational models. Following is a list of infrastructure and equipment available at this lab.

Sediment recirculation channel
18-inch variable slope channel
24-inch fixed channel
Freezing room with and ice channel

Wind tunnel